Thinking about getting lip blush? Take a look at my client’s recent lip blush healing process after having the PMU treatment with me and see for yourself what to expect day-to-day, so you can plan around it. Lip blush does come with a small amount of downtime, but it’s well-worth it once it’s healed!
Here’s my client’s lip blush healing process day-by-day:
Deciding on the treatment
“I’d thought about getting lip blush for quite a while, after having my eyebrows microbladed with Ella last year and loving them! My eyebrows were a game changer, making my make-up routine faster and I felt generally more confident “without makeup”. So I knew it wouldn’t be long before I started thinking about my next treatment with Ella.
My lips have always been naturally pale in colour and my lip border not very defined. I used a lip liner on my lips most days to define them, but it only ever lasted a couple of hours, and it wasn’t the natural-looking lip colour I’d like. That’s why I started considering lip blush, after seeing some of the stunning natural-looking results Ella had created and posted on her Instagram.
It took me months of umm-ing and ahh-ing before I committed to booking my lip blush in though… Why? I was (unnecessarily) worried about the lip blush healing process. I knew it took a while for the lips to heal, and they’re not a feature you can easily hide.
Now I think back and I just wish I’d booked them in sooner – the healing process was very quick and painless, and I now have a constant natural-looking lip colour like I’ve always wanted. I couldn’t be happier with the results!”
24 hours before the procedure
“I tried to prep my lips as much as I could in the days leading up to the treatment, by drinking lots of water and using extra hydrating lip creams. My lips are naturally on the drier side, especially as it’s the middle of winter, so I wanted to make sure they were in the best condition they could be.
The day before the procedure, Ella also reminded me to avoid caffeine, alcohol and any other stimulants, as this can affect the way your body reacts to the cosmetic tattooing (it can increase swelling and thin your blood).”
Day of the procedure
“I already knew I wanted the most natural-looking colour, which also happens to be the most popular shade Ella does too. Once I’d picked the colour, Ella applied numbing cream and continued to do this throughout the treatment to keep my lips nice and numb. I was pleasantly surprised at how painless the treatment was – I was falling asleep at several points, so it can’t have been too bad!
After the treatment, my lips were looking lovely, but the colour is a much bolder colour and there was some swelling, which made them look bigger than usual. Don’t worry, this will go down over the next day or two, and the colour will lighten over the next 4-5 days by 60-70%.”
Day 1
“My lips are still looking much juicer than normal due to swelling, and the colour is even darker today. If you have any asymmetry at this stage, keep in mind it is most likely due to the swelling! They will settle down in a day or two. My lip skin has gradually become drier which, combined with the bold colour, makes my lips look like I have a matte lipstick on. I continue to moisturise them every hour or so to keep them as hydrated as possible. You can go about your normal activities without worrying about your lips too much.”
Day 2
“I’ve woken up to much drier lips today, and a darker red colour. The skin became progressively tighter and drier throughout the day, until they eventually started to shed on the inner lip area only. I’ve religiously moisturised my lips with the ointment Ella provides, and that has really helped with the shedding – instead of large dry flakes, my skin came off in very small thin flakes which is less noticeable and not painful at all (as you can see in the photo for day 2).”
Day 3
“Similarly to the day before, the skin continued to come off today on it’s own. It started in the centre of my lips and gradually worked its way out towards the lip line by this evening. Try not pick or rub the skin, even if it looks like it’s coming off – this will affect the results! It can be really tempting but you’ll be glad you didn’t in the end.”
Day 4
“By the fourth day, my lips already have fresh skin exposed with no more flaking. The colour is much more subtle now, and my lips are really soft. All swelling has gone down, and I just keep hydrating my lips with the gel Ella gave me to keep the healing process going. Although I’m now past the most noticeable healing period, the lips will continue to heal over the next 4-6 weeks.”
The following days and weeks…
“The following days/weeks continued much the same. Don’t worry if you feel like the colour fades in the weeks after your treatment – the pigment will come back! The lip skin goes through a cycle and thickens to heal, which can briefly conceal your new colour. After 4-6 weeks, it will return to normal and reveal your true lip blush effect.”
My lip blush healing process: photo diary
Please keep in mind the lip blush healing process will vary from person to person. The key is keeping them moisturised (with the ointment provided) and following the aftercare instructions.
It’s recommended you get a top-up following this period, to make sure your lip colour lasts as long as possible (2+ years). My healing process following the top-up appointment was even shorter and the dryness less-noticeable.