

Deciding to get a semi-permanent treatment can be a big decision, which comes with a lot of questions! 



How can I book?

All bookings can be booked online. Bookings are made through the website click on the ‘BOOK NOW’ page. A £50 non-refundable deposit will be required on booking.


Do I require a consultation before booking in for the treatment? 

No, you don’t need to have one beforehand, a full consultation is done on the day of treatment where you and Ella can discuss the best treatment for you, determine the correct shape for your face and pick the perfect shade best suited to your hair and skin tone.

Do you require a patch test?

Yes. Please order a scratch test at the time of booking, this will be sent in the post to you. Please note: that this will not be possible if it is a last-minute appointment. You will need to arrange a time to pick one up by contacting Ella. The patch test should be completed at least 24 hours before your treatment.

Am I able to have semi-permanent makeup?

Semi-permanent makeup is suitable for most people, and Ella will guide which technique is best for your skin type. However, you will NOT be able to have this treatment if you are any of the following:

· You are under 18 years old

· Pregnant/breastfeeding

· Have been on Accutane within the past 6-12 months

· Have HIV or Hepatitis or any other infections or viral diseases

· Undergoing chemotherapy

· On blood thinners

· You are epileptic

· If your previous tattoo is too dark or thick (Please email Ella at in**@el********.uk a photo for cover ups)



How can I prepare for my brow treatment?

During the 24 hours prior:

• Do not drink alcohol, consume coffee or take aspirin or ibuprofen before your tattoo unless medically prescribed.

• Do not work out/overexert yourself the day of the procedure. 

• Do not pick /tweeze /wax /tint /perform laser or electrolysis at least one week before your procedure. 

• Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior, since these are natural blood thinners. 

• Avoid tanning / sunburned face /any type of facial/ chemical peel for 2 weeks. 

• Do not have any Botox done for 3 weeks prior to treatment. 

• Discontinue Vitamin A/Retinol for one month prior to treatment. 

Please read the aftercare and arrange your schedule accordingly to the healing stages. There is downtime for every treatment.

What is the aftercare for brows?

• Do not apply any makeup, lotions, creams, etc. on eyebrows other than ointment until completely healed.

• Do not exercise/ sweat for one week. Pores will open and the salt in sweat may fade, blur or take out the pigment. 

• Avoid sleeping on your face for at least 10 days. 

• Avoid getting your brows wet (pools, sauna, ocean, etc.) treated area for 2 weeks. 

• Stay out of direct sunlight and tanning beds for 3 weeks.

Full aftercare instructions will be given to you on the day of treatment with an aftercare ointment.



What is lip blush?

Lip blushing can enhance your natural lips, correct asymmetry, add definition and fullness. As we age we can lose the definition and the colour in our lips, this treatment will help restore the colour. Results are tailored to you. You can bring in your favourite lipstick or pictures on the day of your treatment.

Can I get lip blush if I have dark lips?

Yes. This is a lovely treatment to get if you have dark or cool toned lips, but first we must colour correct your lips to cancel out the cool tones. This means we must use the colour orange otherwise you run the risk of them becoming darker or just have no results at all.

At 6 weeks, you will be left with a nude/pink tone to your lips, please note that this can take a number of sessions before the darkness is covered, results vary and cannot be guaranteed how many sessions you will require.

You can email a picture of lips to in**@el*****.uk and a treatment plan can be put in place for you.

How will I know if I am considered a dark lip neutralization or a lip blush?

If your lips are two-toned, cool, brown, dark looking, you will need to have a neutralization procedure.

If you are still not sure, send a photo of your lips in natural lighting via email to in**@el*********.uk to confirm.

How long will it last?

This will depend on many factors, your skin, health and lifestyle. The tattoo should last for a number of years though you may require a yearly colour boost to keep them looking fresh. Ella would say she sees most of her clients again around 12-18 months.

Here are some factors that can cause them to fade faster:

· Oily skin

· Retinol or vitamin C

· Iron deficiency

· Sun exposure

· Exfoliates

· Exposure to chlorine and salt water

Does it hurt?

It can be slightly uncomfortable for some, but completely bearable. Everyone experiences pain differently so it’s hard to determine how you will feel. Ella’s technique is extremely gentle and she will make you completely comfortable throughout the treatment. Do not take ibuprofen beforehand or drink any caffeinated drinks, also no alcohol at least 24-48 hours beforehand as this can lead to you being more sensitive during the treatments.

Do I need a touch up?

A touch up is advised for best results, and the longevity of your results. We can alter the shape and colour of your tattoo or go bolder and fill in any spots that didn’t retain as others during the healing. Touch ups cannot be any sooner that 6 weeks after your first session a no later than 12 weeks, after the 12 weeks there will be an additional charge.

Is the touch up included?

Yes, you have ONE free touch up included this MUST be completed within the 12 weeks of your first session or an additional charge may be required.

Can I have lip blush if I suffer from cold sores?

Yes! However, if you have the simplex herpes virus, it is highly recommended to take an anti-viral medication 5 days before and 5 days after or as advised from your doctor or pharmacist. This is to prevent an outbreak following this treatment, as it causes trauma to the area.

Can you have lip blush if I have filler?

Yes, you can just make sure that you have filler at least 4 weeks before or wait 4 weeks after lip blush.

How to prepare for lip blush?

· No dermal fillers 4 weeks prior

· No alcohol, caffeine or bloody thinning mediation 72 hours prior

· Cold sore medication if necessary (acyclovir)

· Gentle lip scrub daily for 7 days prior

· Hydrate the lips regularly leading up to the appointment

· No smoking 72 hours prior

· No sun or UV exposure 72 hours prior

What to expect after lip blush?

· Day 1-2 the colour will appear darker

· Around 2-5 they may get itchy and flakes of colour may come away from the skin, this will come off in patches and is completely normal

· Once the flakes are all off the pigment may appear light in colour-the chosen pigment will blossom during the 4-week healing

· Around 4 weeks the true colour will be visible and the external skin has healed

· At 4 weeks, the internal skin has healed

· Keep in mind that in many cases, some unevenness of colour is to be expected. This is the purpose of the touch up visit and will allow us to fine tune your enhancement.

For a day-by-day of what to expect after lip blush, please see my client’s healing journey here.

What is the aftercare for lip blush?

• Do not apply any makeup, lotions, creams, etc. on the lips other than ointment that you are sent home with until completely healed.

• Do not exercise/ sweat for one week. Pores will open and the salt in sweat may fade, blur or take out the pigment. 

• Avoid sleeping on your face for at least 10 days. 

• No kissing for 5 days to prevent infection

• Avoid eating salty and spicy foods for 5 days

• Avoid getting your lips wet (pools, sauna, ocean, etc.) treated area for 5-7 days. 

• Stay out of direct sunlight and tanning beds for 3 weeks.

Full aftercare instructions will be given to you on the day of treatment with an aftercare ointment.



How can I pay?

Ella accepts cash, bank transfer or credit and debit cards.

Is semi-permanent makeup safe?

Yes, semi-permanent makeup is safe, tried and tested treatment carried out. Ella is a highly trained professional. All tools and equipment is single use and fully sanitised before every treatment to prevent infection.

Are there risks when getting semi-permanent makeup done?

Infections can occur if you do not follow the correct aftercare that is advised by Ella. You will be sent home with strict aftercare instructions that you must follow.

An allergic reaction to the pigment, but this is very rare and the patch test should show up any reaction beforehand.

Can semi-permanent make-up be removed?

Yes, it can be removed, there are various treatments on the market that can remove the pigment. Laser seems to be the safest with best results.